Re: Please Review as Soon as Possible

Another country heard from!

I was remiss in not looking at the April 14 guidelines and commenting 
on them at that time.  

Generally, if vendors take these reccommendations to heart, especially 
vendors of the highly automated tools that are proliferating, we will 
see some great improvements.  For a recent example of why we need 
these guidelines yesterday, see the information for job seekers at
  This is a great way to keep the 70% unemployment rate from going 

My preference, as a blind user of Lynx and of Internet Explorer, is to 
keep the descriptions terse instead of verbose.  For example, in the 
Alt reccommendations concerning section separators, I would not very 
strongly encourage authors to say "end of such and such" section.  
These images are separators.  They can be more quickly read as a 
series of identical punctuations, such as *** or ...  If the user has 
her punctuations turned off, that's not the author's problem.  The 
desired effect, really, is a pause in the speech or a blank line in a 
Braille copy.

-- Lloyd Rasmussen
Senior Staff Engineer, Engineering Section
National Library Service for the  Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress          202-707-0535

Received on Friday, 29 May 1998 15:20:01 UTC