Completed Translation

Dear Translators,

I have completed the translation into Italian of the following document(s):

"Tableless layout HOWTO"

"Disposizione di tableless"

I confirm that, in compliance with the W3C Intellectual Property FAQ (, I have
placed a prominent disclaimer in my translation(s) in which I disclose, (1)
the title of and link to the original English document, (2) that my document
is a translation which may contain errors, and (3) that the original English
document on the W3C website is the one that is official. (Items (2) and (3)
are in the target language.)

I confirm that the links within my translation(s) are valid and I have
endeavoured to provide valid markup and CSS (validation tools are at

The translation is hosted on my brother's website at the moment because I do
not have my own. He is helping me set up my own website just for my
translations for future work.

Thank you very much, and I hope you are all well.

Alexa Beshenov

Received on Monday, 19 July 2010 13:11:28 UTC