Dutch translation of the WAI Webcontent guidelines

Dear all,

it took a bit longer than planned, but it is finally done. The Dutch 
translation of the WAI Webcontent Rec is at:


I have also incorporated Martin's remark from his earlier mail (thanks). I 
would ask you to have a look at the translation to see whether the format, 
the copyright, logo, etc, is acceptable. As soon as I get a green light, I 
want to go 'public' with the translation. I also would like to have this 
done this week because next week I will participate at a brainstorming at 
the ministry of health in the Hague, and I would like to be in the position 
to publicize the URL.

The top part of the text says, roughly, the following (I took the text from 
other translations Martin pointed at):

This document is a Dutch translation of an English document (URL).

This translation has been prepared under the supervision of the Dutch W3C 
Office. It has been reviewed and checked by Eric Velleman and Henk 
Snetselaar from Bartimeus, but it can still contain some mistakes. In case 
of doubt, we refer you to the official English version.

English Version: URL
This version: URL, etc,
Translator: Miente Bakker


Ivan Herman

Head of W3C Office in The Netherlands
CWI, Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel:           +31-20-5924163
tel mobile: +31-62-8881369
email:        ivan@w3.org
url:            http://www.w3c.nl
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Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2000 09:38:34 UTC