Translation plan for JIS/TRs

MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan) appreciates
the large prevalence (or expected prevalence) of your RECs:
  - XHTML 1.0
  - CSS 2
  - XSLT 1.0
and instructed the committees in INSTAC/JSA to translate them into
Japanese Language and draft JIS/TRs (Technical Reports).

JIS/TR is almost similar to ISO/TR, and it means that Japan (Japanese
government) authorizes and approves the technical specification.

Responding to the MITI requirements, I wish to start the works as soon
as possible, in cooperation with your staff, in particular, with a
splendid support of Mr. Martin J. Duerst. Thank you.

Yushi Komachi
2-3-8 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo  153-8687 Japan
Phone +81 3 5434 7053,  Fax +81 3 5445 3663
Email  <>

Received on Monday, 26 June 2000 02:25:24 UTC