Re: 6. Addressing & process model issues

6.1  I agree with Peter, this is vastly too complicated.  What in
principle is the answer if the linking element is in a grove for a
document D1, but actually came via an external entity with a URL
pointing to some other document D2 (regress ad infinitum)?  Forget it.

6.2 The example introducing this is over-specialised to browser
applications.  Parsing locators (== specifying their semantics given a
particular locator language) is certainly WITHIN our remit; specifying
how they should be processed is not, because that takes is over into
LINK semantics, which is a different thing altogether.  In my view
things like client/server balance of responsibilities are so
contingent on Application type and technology state as to be
completely out of bounds for the kind of standard we're trying to


Received on Tuesday, 18 February 1997 04:22:18 UTC