RE: Thoughts on namespaces

Steve DeRose writes of namespaces and validity.

I believe that for a *valid* document, authors would still need to
create a DTD incorporating names from other DTDs, as in my earlier

<!DOCTYPE mymess [
<!ELEMENT mymess   (html:h1 | html:p)*>
<!ELEMENT html:h1  (#PCDATA | html:a | tei:xref)*>
<!ELEMENT html:p   (#PCDATA | html:a | tei:xref)*>
<!ELEMENT html:a   (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT tei:xref (#PCDATA)>

The only benefit gained here is in semantic recognition.  Automagic
incorporation of DTDs for validity definitely has the problem Steve
pointed out.  However, for merely well-formed documents, DTD adoption
allows quick creation of recognizable documents.  Grab HTML Cougar as
a base, add digital signatures, MathML, and some commerce DTD, and
you're good to go with structured information.

Christopher R. Maden                  One Richmond Square
DynaText SIT Technical Support        Providence, RI 02906 USA
Inso Corporation                      +1.401.421.9550 (voice)
Electronic Publishing Solutions       +1.401.521.2030 (facsimile)

Received on Friday, 23 May 1997 16:46:18 UTC