Re: SD3 - Data Types

In message <> "Steven J. DeRose" writes:
> By analogy to SGML attribute declared value types and content models, and
> for overall flexibility, it seems like adding these would also imply that we
> should add the corresponding plural (vector) types (actually, is VARCHAR
> close enough to CHARS that we already have precedent in the set?)

Personally I would find this very useful - I had to invent a special 
ElementType (ARRAY) for CML, and having it built into XML would be attractive
re-use.  (I have two generic containers, XVAR and ARRAY, both of which have
content model (#PCDATA)).  It will be important to decide what the separators 
are in in this, and how to escape the separators if required (e.g. for

Note that such a proposal would strengthen the case for addressing into
#PCDATA, which could certainly be done safely in this context.  Obviously
I would re-support such a proposal :-).


Peter Murray-Rust, domestic net connection
Virtual School of Molecular Sciences

Received on Friday, 16 May 1997 18:42:22 UTC