Re: The furore over PUBLIC

At 21:57 29/03/97 -0500, Liam Quinn wrote:
>Peter Flynn asked
>> Is it too much to propose that an identifier must be 
>> either          SYSTEM  "url"
>> or              PUBLIC "fpi" "url"
>> and leave it to the much-vaunted "market forces" to resolve the issue?
>As long as interoperability isn't a goal, it's fine.
>As long as internet or web use isn't a goal, it's fine.
>I think (this is a gut feeling, though) we are seeing the strongest
>support for PUBLIC from people with non-web uses of XML.  These uses
>are perfectly valid, I think, but not if supporting them means
>breaking the web usage.

In that case I've missed something fundamental, and I'd be glad to
know what it is. What I suggested above can interoperate perfectly
on the internet/web if the software can capture the url and use it. 
I don't see where using docs both on and off the web has any effect
provided you supply the url for web use. What's missing?


Received on Sunday, 30 March 1997 13:51:39 UTC