Re: Parameter entities vs. GI name groups

At 07:03 PM 20/06/97 +0100, Martin Bryan wrote:
>Come on - there are many areas of XML where you have placed semantic
>constraints on the use of valid SGML features. Why should placing
>constraints on the use of PEs be any different?

The problem is that this is a relaxation, not a constraint.  I want to
remove all the arcane rules about where PE's can and can't go and
just say they do straight text macro-style substitution, orthogonal
to the DTD grammar.  But lots of such PE references would be illegal
per 8879.  With this change, PEs would self-evidently do all the things
that PEs do now but would have none of the problems that are making us 
lean to nuking them. -Tim

Received on Friday, 20 June 1997 14:18:02 UTC