Re: Linking to stylesheets in XML

> From:

> The SGML Open multipart-related draft was done so that SGML could be
> exchanged by e-mail.

There was/is no SGML Open work related to mime other than the work
to register application/SGML-Open-catalog as a mime type (which was
submitted August 1996 and received official confirmation October 1996).

The mime-sgml effort was done by an IETF working group (though
participants did include many from SGML Open member organizations).
It resulted in the following IETF experimental RFCs (as well as other
proposals and discussion that did not result in RFCs but that had
proponents and followers):

 rfc1872.txt  Experimental RFC on Multipart/Related Content-type
 rfc1873.txt  Experimental RFC on Message/External-Body Content-ID Access Type
 rfc1874.txt  Experimental RFC on SGML Media Types

If there is a role for SGML Open to play in the area of mime, I suspect
the SO Technical Committee would be glad to address the issue given
the availability of some active chairperson(s).  However, at this time,
there is no such work on the Technical Committee agenda.


p.s.  My understanding was that James had an implementation based on the
      above three RFCs, but I'll have to leave it to James to elaborate.

Received on Monday, 21 April 1997 12:22:49 UTC