what *are* the RE rules?

The other day, I asked for a summary of SGML's RE rules, in terms other
than those of clause 7.6.1.  Paul Prescod pointed us all to a 1993
posting from Erik Naggum on comp.text.sgml, which does in fact seem to
me very useful.  Some people may quibble over his interpretation of the
word 'ignore', but his interpretation has the advantage of being
explicit, plausible, and on the record.

On the other hand, Erik's paraphrase, like clause 7.6.1, refers rather
obscurely to situations in which "no data or proper subelement" has
occurred within the element content, which passes over in silence the
question what *can* occur in these situations.

Inspired by the recent discussion and by Erik Naggum's old posting, I've
made my own attempt at summarizing the rules in clause 7.6.1 in a less
indirect way.  Is this a full and accurate summary?


RS is significant only if it's markup -- since it can be markup only in
a shortref, it's of no interest to XML.  For our purposes, RS is always
ignored, period.

SGML documents consist of markup and content.  If an RE occurs in an
SGML document, it's in markup or in content; there's no place else for
it to be.

In markup, RE is easy; an RE can occur only:
  - as a separator (in declarations or tags), in which case it's
  - within a PI, in which case it's passed through to the application
  - within a literal in an attribute value specification (in a tag or
    entity declaration or attlist declaration), in which case it's
    replaced by a SPACE before the attribute value is passed
    to the application
  - within a literal in an entity declaration, in which case its
    treatment is determined when the entity is expanded
  - as the refc delimiter on a reference, in which case it's eaten by
    the parser

In content, RE can occur:

  - in element content, in which case it's ignored
  - within mixed content or (replaceable) character data; it is here
that the rules for ignoring it or treating it as data seem, to some
people, to become complex.  (Or, as Charles Goldfarb has just reminded
me, the rule is simple:  RE is ignored when caused by markup.  The
determination of causality is what seems complex.  Fair point.)

Clause 7.6.1 a says "the first RE in an element is ignored if no RS,
data, or proper subelement preceded it."  Phrased the other way around,
and working from the list in clause 7.6 of all the things that can occur
in mixed or character data content, this means that the pattern

  starttag negligible* RE

reduces to

  starttag negligible*

where 'negligible' is defined as

  negligible ::= comment declaration
             | shortref use declaration
             | link set use declaration
             | processing instruction
             | character reference
             | entity reference
             | marked section declaration
             | included subelement
             | short reference
             | entity-end

Rule (b) in the same clause says, in effect, that the same applies at
the end of an element:  so if the end of an element matches the pattern

  RE negligible* end-tag

the RE is ignored.

Rule (c) in the same clause says, I think, that if a record (i.e. the
space between an &#RS; and the next &#RE;) is not empty, but contains no
data, then the RE is ignored.  I think this means that if any record
containing nothing other than comment declaration(s), PI(s), the
beginning of an entity, a marked section declaration, or an included
subelement, then its RE is ignored.

So the element Q contains no REs in any of the following cases:

  Listen to my heart beat.

This is the simple case:  RE adjacent to a start-tag or end-tag.  All
the most persuasive examples I've seen involve REs adjacent to the tag,
which has often led me to wonder why the rule couldn't be just that that
the TAGC of a start-tag is defined as ">" followed by an optional
newline, and ETAGO as an optional newline followed by "</".

  <!-- sound track is silent -->
  Listen to my heart beat <!-- --
  ><?DIRECTOR begin: audio>
  and beat and beat and beat.

Here rule (a) takes care of line 1, rule (c) of line 2, the comment of
line 3, rule (c) again of line 4, and rule (b) of line 5.

The only case I can think of where rule (a) applies without the RE being
adjacent to the start-tag is something like

  <q><!-- sound track is silent -->
  Listen to my heart beat.

Perhaps most of the obscurity lies in 8879's omitting any explanation of
what 'ignoring' data means.  (For example, RS is ignored
unconditionally.  But it can't be ignored in the sense that the software
takes no notice of it, since the RE rules involve knowing precisely
where the last RS occurred.)

Well, no.  Not *most* of the obscurity.  Clause 7.6.1 really begins to
challenge my hermeneutical skill when it mentions that REs are 'deemed'
to occur immediately preceding the next following data or proper

So the element

  <!-- silence. -->
  <!-- The clock ticks. -->
  <!-- The wind sighs. -->
  <!-- The clock chimes. -->
  <?DIRECTOR:  start audio-track 1 >  Listen to my heart beat.

is, if I am reading the standard right, to be 'deemed' identical to

  Listen. <!-- silence. -->
  <!-- The clock ticks. -->
  <!-- The wind sighs. -->
  <!-- The clock chimes. -->
  <?DIRECTOR:  start audio-track 1 >
    Listen to my heart beat.

with the RE originally situated after "Listen." having migrated five
lines down, past four comments and a processing instruction.

Rule (c) also appears to mean that

  Listen. <!-- silence. -->
  <!-- The clock ticks. -->
  Listen to my heart beat.

has a record end between the two sentences, since the RE after the first
comment cannot be ignored by rule (c), but that

  Listen. <!-- silence.
  The clock ticks. -->
  Listen to my heart beat.

has no record end, since the record end after the second line of the
comment ends a non-empty record which contains no data.


Is this an accurate summary?

If so, I suggest that either of the following alternative rules are
simpler for both implementor and user; the first one handles all the
cases I think people are likely to agree aren't confusing.

  - RE is ignored when immediately adjacent to the TAGC of a start-tag,
    the ETAGO of an end-tag, the PIC of a processing instruction
    that began at or before the beginning of the current line,
    or the MDC of a comment that began at or before the beginning
    of the current line


  - RE is ignored when it occurs outside literals within markup
  - RE is ignored in element content
  - in character data, RE is a data character

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Received on Sunday, 22 September 1996 18:11:18 UTC