Parameter Entities

Quick, before a final vote can go in, we would like to plead for both 
internal and external paramter entities.  The utility of these to a 
creator of modular DTDs is obvious.  Therefore, I need them, want them, 
would give them up only with regret.

May I please hear the other side?  ARE they (particluarly the external) 
very hard to build into a parser or perl hack.  Please be specific?
Is the objection to external based on Web resolving?

Is their presence a real problem for smaller, simpler implementations?

--Debbie Lapeyre
Deborah A. Lapeyre                   Phone: 301-231-6933
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.          Fax:   301-231-6935
6010 Executive Blvd.  Suite 608      E-mail:
Rockville, MD USA 20852

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 1996 14:56:53 UTC