RE: RS/RE, again (sorry)

>Sent: 	Friday, December 13, 1996 11:58 AM
>To: 	Jean Paoli;
>Subject: 	RE: RS/RE, again (sorry)
>I like Jean Pauli's proposal.
>I have two suggestions.
>the space at *3*4 in
>may be collapsed to a single space perhaps, but certainly must not be
>deleted, as otherwise the Book title in the B and the Institution in the I
>(guessing at the meanings of B and I) will run together!

this is why I was saying that the current XML spec was more convenient
that the one I proposed in my mail: every application can decide how to 
deal with this. The authorial intent  has not been expressed here.
Also, I think that 3 values for XML-SPACE is cumbersome.
You would have to write <PARA -XML-SPACE=COLLAPSE> for each paragraph if
you take
as default -XML-SPACE=DELETE or you woud have to write <UL
-XML-SPACE=DELETE> for each 
list item if you take as default -XML-SPACE=COLLAPSE.
>(2) rather than using an attribute called -XML-SPACE, which looks odd and
>    perhaps even ugly, it would be better to have a PI that says
>    the attribute TYPE=LIT on the element SAMPLE
>    has this meaning:

Received on Friday, 13 December 1996 17:11:43 UTC