Re: defusing objections [was Re: NotAccepted's against semantics]

>Two of Peter's objections concern the translation to LBase.  I'm 
>wondering whether we might defuse these objections by replacing the 
>LBase appendix with a suitably worded informative reference to the 
>LBase note, e.g.
>An alternative formulation of the semantics of RDF(S) in the form of 
>axioms for the langauge LBase can be found in the LBase 
>specification [ref to lbase note].

I will make this change, and move some of the appendix material to 
the Note to suit.

Ready by later today (Friday)


>Brian McBride wrote:
>>Peter has clarified [1] the status of some of the comments he has 
>>made on the LC semantics document:
>>pfps-02 - translation to lbase - pfps notes the ball is in our court.
>>pfps-03 - translation to lbase - pfps just doesn't see the need for 
>>lbase in the document
>>pfps-04 - rdf closure rules - pfps wants a stronger notion of 
>>completeness of the closure rules
>>pfps-05 - rdfs closure rules - again pfps wants a stronger notion 
>>of completeness of the the closure rules
>>pfps-06 - xml literals and LV - it is possible the latest docs fix 
>>this and we have not pointed this out to pfps.

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Received on Friday, 26 September 2003 10:07:18 UTC