weekly call for telecon agenda items

This is yesterdays (sorry was in all day meeting) weekly call 
for agenda items for the telecon.

Suggestions asap please.

Possible (proposed) topics:

browsing http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Sep/

 - Brian's alternate design writeup: summary of pros/cons
 - escaping % in RDF URI refs: can this be wrapped up?
 - Internationalization
 - " 3 "^^xsd:integer / xml schema and whitespace: ditto
 - response to pfps re nfc,
 - publication status (we have new specs, not been formally announced to 
   RDF lists at time of writing)
 - next steps

Expect the agenda to look much like this, will circulate by end of UK day.

Can we have a scribe volunteer please. I'm chairing. Expected duration
60 mins.


Received on Thursday, 11 September 2003 07:48:59 UTC