Re: possible cross-referring edits

I'm trying to audit changes since last call...

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 07:28, Brian McBride wrote:
> pat hayes wrote:
> > Fellow Editors:
> > 
> > The latest version of Semantics
> > 
> >

Hmm... that's the same address you gave during the telcon, Pat.
I was silly enough to take the md5sum without making a copy.
So I don't have a copy of the document relevant to the WG
decision. I suppose that doesn't matter all that much, since
not many members of the WG read the version that Pat
cited in the meeting.

> Copied to shadow TR as version 1.52

CVS doesn't show any differences between 1.52 and
revision 1.51
date: 2003/10/31 13:43:39;  author: bmcbride;

The mac linefeeds result in useless diffs ala...
revision 1.49
date: 2003/10/14 14:28:45;  author: bmcbride;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
updates with post 2nd last call proof fixes and entailment rule changes

So I created a branch from 1.46, a version just before LC2
where EricM converted it to unix linefeeds:

date: 2003/11/12 16:22:17;  author: connolly;  state: Exp;  lines: +159
unix linebreak version of v 1.51 2003/10/31 13:43:39 bmcbride; oddly
v1.50 seemed to have no changes
date: 2003/11/12 16:17:25;  author: connolly;  state: Exp;  lines: +733
unix linebreak version of v 1.49 2003/10/14 14:28:45 bmcbride
date: 2003/11/12 16:15:46;  author: connolly;  state: Exp;  lines: +115
unix linebreak version of v 1.5 2003/10/10 15:08:31 em; this is the LC2
date: 2003/11/12 16:12:10;  author: connolly;  state: Exp;  lines: +119
unix linebreak version of v 1.48 2003/10/09 18:00:01 em
date: 2003/11/12 16:10:24;  author: connolly;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -1
unix linebreak version of v 1.47 2003/10/08 19:52:00 em

That's hundreds of lines of changes that I need to audit to
against tests, www-rdf-comments, and WG decisions. And I gather
I haven't seen the last of the changes. Whee!

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2003 11:58:49 UTC