Comment/testcase I18N-01?

One of the things that has come out of our discussions with I18N has, I
think, been that we better understand the relationship between sequences
of characters and markup.  Whilst I18N did not specifically point out
this flaw in the current syntax spec, I think it should be attributed to
their input.

Consider the test case:

  <eg:prop rdf:parseType="Literal"><em>&lt;br /></em></eg:prop>

If my reading of the syntax document [1] is correct, it states that this
is equivalent to (with a little license in the syntax):

_:a <eg:prop> "<em><br /></em>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

I believe that should read

_:a <eg:prop> "<em>&lt;br /></em>^^ rdf:XMLLiteral .

or some variation on that theme, to preserve the distinction between
markup and content.  We need to decide exactly what characters get

DaveB: is my reading of syntax correct?

Martin/I18N - would you endorse this comment?



Received on Friday, 18 July 2003 08:12:27 UTC