RE: XML observation

At 17:57 08/07/03 +0100, Misha Wolf wrote:
>Graham Klyne wrote:
> > (Hmmm... general W3C process point:
> > given I18N is regarded as so fundamental, I think the purpose would
> > be better served by having I18N *participation* from the beginning,
> > or at the beginning, not occasional reviews later in the process.)
>In the beginning was the RDF M&S spec.  And lo and behold, there was
>I18N participation.

Yes, I wondered about that.  The problem is, little of the rationale from 
that earlier involvement got communicated to the later WG (as far as I'm 

IETF specs often have a section titled "Internationalization 
considerations" ... maybe something similar might have helped here?  Just a 


Graham Klyne
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Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2003 03:42:06 UTC