RE: Another Comment on Owl Ref {was: Re: Denotation of owl:Class)

Can we ask WebOnt to add a pair of test cases justifying the difference?

I wonder whether a consensus comment might be something like:

The RDF Core WG failed to persuade itself that there were, or were not, good
reasons for the distinction between rdfs:Class and owl:Class.

Can two test cases be added to the OWL Test Cases such that:
- the first uses owl:Class
- the second uses rdfs:Class
and they demonstrate the difference between the two concepts?

We note that while, for instance, owl:DatatypeProperty, bears no
relationship to owl:Class in the direct semantics, or in OWL DL, that the
only way of exploring this difference is through a triple such as:

owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:type owl:Class .

which, like the triple,

owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:type rdfs:Class .

is only syntactically permitted in OWL Full, where the two triples are

Some might want a "If this is not possible ..." clause at the end.


Received on Monday, 28 April 2003 04:39:35 UTC