Re: Denotation of owl:Class

>>   If its ok to feed only
>>  some of the semantics to a DL reasoner, why not stick to rdfs:Class but let
>>  it have only a limited understanding of Class?
>I believe this statement is technically correct.
>i.e. globally replace owl:Class by rdfs:Class in OWL S&AS and everything still

Except that there would then be entailments that weren't legal in OWL-DL.

>You cannot say owl:Class rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class or the opposite in OWL
>Lite and OWL DL so the need for this distinction is moot.

But the point is that OWL-DL  needs a name for its universe that it 
can use. It can't define it, and probably OWL-Full can't either, in 

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Received on Saturday, 26 April 2003 12:47:07 UTC