RE: 'Peter proposal' on typed literals

To clarify, I am proposing that 

   <rdf:Description rdf:ID="foo" xml:lang="en">
      <some:property rdf:parseType="Literal">

would result in the triple

   #foo some:property XML"<h1>Blargh</h1>"@en .

Where the interpretation of such XML literals would be akin
to that of M&S along with the new considerations of canonicalization,
and such.

Thus parseType="Literal" would not result in a typed literal of
any kind, and the datatype rdfs:XMLLiteral would be removed
from all RDF specs.

As a second part of this proposal, lang tags would simply be
ignored for typed literals and removed from the graph syntax
for typed literals entirely. Thus

   <rdf:Description rdf:ID="foo" xml:lang="en">
      <some:property rdf:datatype="&xsd;int">10<some:property>

would result in the triple

   #foo some:property "10"^^xsd:int .

and not

   #foo some:property "10"@en^^xsd:int .


I guess these really constitute two proposals, but the first enables
the second, and both address last call comments.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext Dave Beckett []
> Sent: 04 April, 2003 12:20
> To:
> Subject: 'Peter proposal' on typed literals 
> I've seen nothing proposed that I could decide on.  If anyone from
> the WG wants to promote it, please can you outline it on this list in
> advance.  Take care to get the syntax right :)
> Dave

Received on Friday, 4 April 2003 04:29:54 UTC