Re: Action DanC? [was Re: More on XSD in RDF]

On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 13:51, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> PS - the format proposal got thrown out because it can't do the job for 
> webont.

It can and does do the job for webont,
in my experience.

> I think you need to address how to do cardinaliy constraints 
> without ever considering values

What do you mean by that?

> .... Yes, it is conceptually simpler, but 
> no, it isn't datatyping.

It is datatyping to my satisfaction, and to
the satisfaction of a number of other
members of the WG.

> Hmmm, format constrained to canonical forms would 
> cope with cardinality constraints ...

You don't even have to constraint it to canonical forms;
you can just note that "10" and "010" are different,
and note that folks should avoid "010" when writing a numeral.

> we could make it part of the concrete 
> syntax to abstract syntax mapping that lexical forms were canonicalized, 
> then we could avoid thinking about values.

no, just make it best practice to use canonical lexical forms.

> This would give us yet another 
> version of equality, which differed even more from that in XML schema.
> I don't think we can duck the problems.

I don't see any problems.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 16:45:48 UTC