Re: rdfs closures

Hi Pat,

What a rainy sunday afternoon here and I have
to go and visit old family... just some
quick feedback
I've put your proposed triples/rules in
you wrote somewhere rdfs:rest
I've no rdf:_n stuff in my stuff
I wonder why in 4.2 you don't have
  rdfs:Class rdf:type rdfs:Class.
  rdfs:Container rdf:type rdfs:Class.
  rdfs:List rdf:type rdfs:Class.
  rdfs:Property rdf:type rdfs:Class.
and also why you say (also in 4.2) that
(some) properties are a rdf:Property
(why those some? + we also have rule1)

anyhow, I ran all my tests with that
and there was only one thing that wasn't
provable, namely
  rdf:type rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource .

and that could be found while adding
rdfs2a (and rdfs3a then as well)
I'm not sure wether we want that

We also have slightly more steps
(173874 in total for all tests)
but that is no concern

I also haven't tested yet your datatyping
rules rdfD1 and rdfD2 as I'm still
having rulexxa and rulexxb
but I have a look at that tonight

The rest of your document looks great!
(especially the LBase stuff)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

                    pat hayes                                                                                      
                    <phayes@ai.uwf       To:     Jos De_Roo <>                        
                    .edu>                cc:                                             
                                         Subject:     rdfs closures                                                
                    06:15 AM                                                                                       

Hi Jos.
No hurry, but I would be interested to see what Euler makes of the
new version of the RDFS closure definition. I have purged all the
redundant 'seed' cases that I could see, so some of the old seeds now
will have three- or four-step derivations, but I think they will all
get derived eventually. You need to copy the axiomatic triples from
section 3 as well, in order to get started.

All the missing domains and ranges ought to be rdfs:Resource, if you
want to put those in, but they shouldn't add any new conclusions that
you couldn't get anyway.


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