Re: missing (and incorrect) RDFS axioms

At 04:00 PM 11/8/02 -0600, pat hayes wrote:

>Anyone on the WG, do y'all agree with Peter at @@@ below?? If someone says 
>yes and nobody objects,  I will put these entailments into the MT. You 
>have until the end of Monday.

Where did rdfs:name come from?  I'll assume rdfs:label is meant here.

I'm wondering what useful purpose it serves to say something is in 
rdfs:Literal:  see other message.  But in this case, it seems to be a 
reasonable thing to say that range of rsfs:label is something that can be 
denoted by a literal, since it's intended to provide human-readable 
(literal?) information:


I think that rdfs:seeAlso *is* a property:  it's property extension may 
contain all pairs of resources and literal values.  Otherwise, the 
RDFS-interpretation constrains (section 3.3) seem to be broken:

1.  if <s p o> is true, then <I(s),I(o)> in IEXT(I(p)) (section 1.5#4)

2.  the domain of IEXT(x) is IP  (section 1.4#2)
     so: I(p) is in IP

3.  if <s rdfs:seeAlso o> is true in a graph then I(rdfs:seeAlso) in IP

4.  IP = ICEXT(I(rdf:Property))    (section 3.3#2b)
     so: if <s rdfs:seeAlso o> is true in a graph then
     I(rdfs:seeAlso) in ICEXT(I(rdf:Property))

which I think states that rdfs:seeAlso is a property.

Thus, if we want to allow any graph containing a rdfs:seeAlso statement to 
be true,
then it must be admitted as a property.

The subproperty relation is mentioned in RDF-schema (original version) 
section 2.3.5:


>>Here are some more changes (marked by *).  They may not completely
>>correspond to your most-recent changes.  Some of the axioms are changes to
>>both the definition of rdfs-interpretations and rdfs closure.
>>There is an issue here with respect to domains and ranges that are
>>rdfs:Resource.  I think that it would be best to given domains and ranges
>>for all properties.
>Hmmm, not sure I agree. I'm perfectly happy for a property to have no 
>domain or range. The strengthened OWL rules for d&r will insert the 
>rdfs:Resource ranges automatically in any case, given the rdfs4 rules and 
>a bit of OWL reasoning.
>>I think that it is worst to give some properties a
>>domain or range or rdfs:Resource and others no domain or range.
>I agree about that, it needs tidying up and we should go one way or the 
>other. My own preference would be to just not mention vacuous domains and 
>ranges at all.
>Other lines below have comments.
>>rdf:type        rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdf:type        rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource .
>>rdf:type        rdfs:range  rdfs:Class .
>>rdf:Property    rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdf:Statement   rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdf:subject     rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdf:subject     rdfs:domain rdf:Statement .
>>rdf:subject     rdfs:range  rdfs:Resource .             *
>>rdf:predicate   rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdf:predicate   rdfs:domain rdf:Statement .
>>rdf:predicate   rdfs:range  rdfs:Resource .             *
>>rdf:object      rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdf:object      rdfs:domain rdf:Statement .
>>rdf:object      rdfs:range  rdfs:Resource .             *
>>rdf:Seq         rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdf:Bag         rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdf:Alt         rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdf:_n          rdf:type    rdf:Property .              *
>follows from  (x a CMP -> x subprop rdfs:member) and domain of subproperty.
>>rdf:_n          rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource .             *
>>rdf:_n          rdfs:range  rdfs:Resource .             *
>>rdf:List        rdf:type    rdfs:Class .                *
>>rdf:first       rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdf:first       rdfs:domain rdf:List .
>>rdf:first       rdfs:range  rdfs:Resource .             *
>>rdf:rest        rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdf:rest        rdfs:domain rdf:List .
>>rdf:rest        rdfs:range  rdf:List .
>>rdf:nil         rdf:type    rdf:List .
>>rdfs:Resource   rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:Class      rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:Literal    rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:XMLLiteral rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:Datatype   rdf:type    rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:domain     rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:domain     rdfs:domain rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:domain     rdfs:range  rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:range      rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:range      rdfs:domain rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:range      rdfs:range  rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:domain rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:range  rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:subClassOf    rdf:type    rdf:Property .
>>rdfs:subClassOf    rdfs:domain rdfs:Class .
>>rdfs:subClassOf    rdfs:range  rdfs:Class .
>>rdf:CMP            rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Property .
>>rdf:_n             rdfs:type       rdf:CMP .
>>rdf:_n             rdfs:domain     rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdf:_n             rdfs:range      rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdfs:XMLLiteral    rdf:type        rdfs:Datatype .      *
>>rdfs:XMLLiteral    rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal .
>consequence of above and new rule 11
>>rdfs:comment       rdf:type        rdf:Property
>>rdfs:comment       rdfs:domain     rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdfs:comment       rdfs:range      rdfs:Literal .       *
>>rdfs:name          rdf:type        rdf:Property .       *
>>rdfs:name          rdfs:domain     rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdfs:name          rdfs:range      rdfs:Literal .       * @@@
>>rdfs:seeAlso       rdf:type        rdf:Property .       * @@@
>>rdfs:seeAlso       rdfs:domain     rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdfs:seeAlso       rdfs:range      rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdfs:isDefinedBy   rdf:type        rdf:Property .       * @@@
>>rdfs:isDefinedBy   rdfs:domain     rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdfs:isDefinedBy   rdfs:range      rdfs:Resource .      *
>>rdfs:isDefinedBy   rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:seeAlso .    * @@@
>I don't like the above. I don't think seeAlso *is* a property; if it is, 
>what's in its property extension??
>I wasn't aware of that subproperty connection: is there a source for that?
>>rdf1    xxx aaa yyy .                   aaa rdf:type        rdf:Property .
>>rdfs4a  xxx aaa yyy .                   xxx rdf:type        rdfs:Resource .
>>rdfs4b  xxx aaa uuu .                   uuu rdf:type        rdfs:Resource .
>>rdfs7*  xxx rdf:type rdfs:Resource.     xxx rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
>Invalid, given the restriction on subClassOf to classes. The old rule 7 is 
>>rdfs2   xxx aaa yyy .                   xxx rdf:type zzz .
>>         aaa rdfs:domain zzz .
>>rdfs3   xxx aaa uuu .                   uuu rdf:type zzz .
>>         aaa rdfs:range zzz .
>>rdfs5   aaa rdfs:subPropertyOf bbb.     aaa rdfs:subPropertyOf ccc .
>>         bbb rdfs:subPropertyOf ccc.
>>rdfs6   xxx aaa yyy .                   xxx bbb yyy .
>>         aaa rdfs:subPropertyOf bbb.
>>rdfs8   aaa rdfs:subClassOf bbb.        aaa rdfs:subClassOf ccc .
>>         bbb rdfs:subClassOf ccc.
>>rdfs9   xxx rdfs:subClassOf yyy .       aaa rdf:type yyy .
>>         aaa rdf:type xxx .
>>rdfs10  xxx rdf:type rdfs:CMP .         xxx rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:member .
>>x11*    xxx rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .    xxx rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal .
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Graham Klyne

Received on Saturday, 9 November 2002 09:56:23 UTC