Re: rdfs help request: latest URIs for MT, Concepts, Syntax, Primer please

At 18:50 06/11/2002 -0600, pat hayes wrote:


>Add some datatypes:
>If sss is a legal lexical form for ddd then
>aaa ppp "sss"^^ddd .
>ddd a rdfs:Datatype .
>aaa ppp -:xxx .
>_:xxx a ddd .

Are there technical reasons why sss has to be legal for this 
entailment.  Would it make sense that just be using ddd in that position in 
a literal, one is asserting that its a datatype.  Of course one, might be 
wrong; but that's not RDF's business.


Received on Thursday, 7 November 2002 08:38:51 UTC