RE: MT RDFS closure rule bug?

> >Pat,
> >
> >don't we need RDFS closure rules that add range and domain constraints
> >e.g.
> >
> >aaa [rdfs:range] yyy
> >yyy [rdfs:subClassOf] zzz
> >
> >then add
> >
> >aaa [rdfs:range] zzz
> >
> >
> >and similarly for rdfs:domain.
> NO. That would be disastrous for the datatyping and in any case not 
> make sense. Why do want them?

We don't *want* them, they are just true!
Or maybe I've been talking to Peter too much!

Any interpretation of any 

> >aaa [rdfs:range] yyy
> >yyy [rdfs:subClassOf] zzz

is an interpretation of

> >aaa [rdfs:range] zzz

thus the closure rule holds.

(Not) Proof:

Ahh, it depends on rdfs:range not being in the domain of discourse.
neglecting that little factette and invalidating the proof ...

iii aaa jjj .
jjj [rdf:type] yyy .
jjj [rdf:type] zzz .


aaa [rdfs:range] zzz .


I smell danger.


Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2002 05:09:23 UTC