datatyping revised draft

Sorry this isn't quite finished, but as I will be travelling for a 
few days here's the current state of the re-edit of Patrick's 
datatypes document:

based on Patrick's draft of 04/16:

The appendices are still unfinished and there are still some messes 
in the early introductory part that need cleaning up (the content 
list links don't work), but the main text and the MT are done (until 
Sergey gets hold of them, that is.) Ive stuck to Patrick's overall 
scheme but de-emphasized the 'pairing' theme a little. Some of the 
pictures are as before, some have been re-drawn.

Ive indulged in a little creativeness in the nomenclature, and 
re-christened  rdfd:datatype (small 'd') to be rdfd:dcv, called 
Datatype Constraint on Value, to make it as unlike 'range' as 
possible. This is a placeholder for a better name to be added later. 
I will undertake to re-draw the pictures to use whatever new name we 
finish up with.

Comments welcome. If anyone can think of any other (or better) Q's 
for appendix 1, send them along and we'll write A's for them.


PS. I'd particularly like to see an explanation of the last dublin 
core example at the end. It looks like it should map into

_:page dc:coverage _:a .
_:a dct:Point _:b .
_:b dct:DCSV "name=Perth,W.A.; east=115.85717; north=-31.95301"

but then it wouldn't make sense to have dct:Point be a datatype 
property, right?  (???)

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Received on Saturday, 1 June 2002 14:33:51 UTC