Implementing RDF datatyping in Jena2

This message is intended for both jena-devel and w3c-rdfcore-wg.

RDF Datatyping
The RDF datatyping proposals involve:
  - local datatyping
  - global datatyping

Local datatyping involves immediate triples to indicate a lexical form and a
datatype to use to map that lexical form.

Global datatyping depends on the schema to find the datatype.

It is currently unclear as to whether the datatyping will be tidy or untidy.
This message will address both possibilities.

Jena 2 Graph API

Jena 2 is currently in experimental stages.

A key characteristic is that as well as having graphs which are actual triple
stores, there are virtual graphs which are derived from other graphs using some
rules (e.g. RDFS closure rules).
Virtual graphs have an API very much like a store, but there is no suggestion
that any triple returned has not been created on the fly. Virtual graphs can be

Richer interfaces (Models) are implemented over Graph to give extra
functionality but no extra triples.

Local Datatyping

Local datatyping would be exposed as extra methods on the richer model
interface. This may be exposed on the Statement class e.g.

Object Statement.getDatatypeValue()

  The value of the object of the triple as a java object according to the local
datatyping rules.
  If the particular triple does not conform to the local datatyping idiom then
null is returned.
  If the particular triple conforms inconsistently to the local datatyping idiom
then a RDFInconsistentException is thrown.


t = <a> <p> _:b .
    _:b <xsd:int> "10" .

t.getDatatypeValue() returns a java.lang.Integer object with value 10.

t = <a> <p> "10" .

t.getDatatypeValue() returns null

[[ Choice here: with tidy datatyping we may wish to return the java.lang.String
"10", any language tag would explicitly be dropped. With untidy datatyping then
this must be null. ]]

t = <a> <p> _:b .
    _:b <xsd:int> "10" .
    _:b <xsd:int> "11" .

t.getDatatypeValue() throws an exception.

Untidy Global Datatyping

Global datatyping is implemented as a graph to graph mapping.
  Graph g1 = ...;
  Graph g2 = new DatatypedGraph(g1);

This graph to graph mapping expresses the global datatyping as triples following
the local datatyping conventions.

This would follow the convention of simpledatatypes2 that a lexical node *is* a
shorthand for a bNode with a dlex arc leading to the lexical value.

i.e. if
 <a> <r> "10" .     is in g1
 <a> <r> _:b .
 _:b <dlex> "10" .  are in g2.

(and <a> <r> "10" is not in g2).

Also the additional closure rules of simpledatatypes2 would be applied.

  <a> <r> _:b .
  _:b <dlex> string .
  <r> <drange> datatype .
are in g2 then also
  _b datatype string .
is in g2.

Actually accessing the values would then be achieved as for the local
datatyping; which provides the API.

Tidy Global Datatyping

In the tidy case the triples would remain unchanged but their interpretation is
extended to take into account the global datatype.

Hence if

t = <a> <r> "10" .
  <r> <drange> <xsd:int> .

t.getDatatypeValue() would return the java.lang.Integer object as before.


t = <a> <r> "10" .
  <r> <drange> <xsd:int> .
  <r> <drange> <xsd:string> .

t.getDatatypeValue() throws an exception.


Both approaches have aspects that appear non-monotonic.
In the untidy approach, the graph to graph mapping replaces each triple with a
simple literal object with two triples and a bNode. This replacement, while
intended to be semantically neutral, at least appears like a deletion at the
syntactic level, and, it could be argued that this is non-monotonic.

The tidy case is thrown by an example like:

t = <a> <r> "10" .
    <foo> <subPropertyOf> <drange> .
    <r> <foo> <xsd:int> .

Here, taking the datatype over the RDF graph only we would get the string "10";
taking the RDFS closure and then taking the global datatyping we would get the
Integer 10.


Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2002 10:06:58 UTC