Re: Outline for new RDF document


I'll respond briefly here, to acknowledge your comments for the 
record.  I'll leave detailed consideration of the points you raised to my 
action from the last telecon.

I did not think that the document that Jeremy and I have produced was so 
much in excess of what was agreed at the face to face, but our discussion 
then did not go into much detail and I can see how one might reasonably 
come to such a view.

To reiterate what I said in the last telecon, much of the material that you 
feel is more than is needed derives from my experiences of trying to come 
to terms with RDF as part of the CC/PP work.  At that time, lacking any 
background information, it was very difficult to understand why we were 
using RDF, and what it would do for us.  Thus, some of the information in 
this document was an attempt to add in some of those elements that I would 
regard as being an important part of making the specification usable for 
developers and information designers.

Looking forward, I hope that having something concrete on the table will 
make it easier for us to determine exactly what this group does expect to 
see, by stimulating comments like yours.  I'll return to this theme in 
another message.


At 01:04 PM 6/28/02 +0100, Brian McBride wrote:

>You have been very busy; I'm afraid a little too busy.  This outline 
>includes rather more than I was expecting this document to contain.  I was 
>expecting a pretty unadorned spec with a lot less discursive material.
>The motivation for this document was to provide a home for normative 
>material that didn't fit anywhere else.
>I suggest we start with the minimum that needs to be said.  I attach an 
>annotated contents list as a possible starting point.

Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2002 05:02:00 UTC