RDF Core telecon 2002-01-11 draft minutes

RDFCore WG minutes for the telecon 2002-01-11


Roll call -

   - Dave Beckett
   - Jeremey Carroll
   - Ron Daniel
   - Mike Dean
   - Jos De Roo
   - Jan Grant (scribe)
   - Martin Horner
   - Graham Klyne
   - Frank Manola
   - Brian McBride (chair)
   - Eric Miller
   - Patrick Stickler
   - Aaron Swartz

   Dan Connolly, Pat Hayes

   Frank Boumphrey, Daniel Brickley, Bill dehOra, Rael Dornfest,
   Yoshiyuki Kitahara, Michael Kopchenov, Kwon Hyung-Jin,
   Ora Lassila, Sergei Melnik, Satoshi Nakamura, Steve Petschulat,
   Pierre Richard, Guha

Review agenda:
   no AOB requests

Next meeting:
   10am Boston time, 18 Jan 2002

Review minutes of previous meeting:

Confirm status of completed actions:

Item 7: Syntax WD.
   Congratulations for Dave on getting the next WD out.
   Dave B stated he has one more round to go in the very near future,
   to try to close as many issues as possible before the F2F.
   Jeremy indicated that he'd be eager to open the I18N issues
   on his return from the WebOnt meeting.

Item 8: Test cases
   JanG: lack of CVS access making this difficult.
   Jos: I've sent an update of progress on entailment tests to the list:
   ACTION: 2002-01-11#1: BWM - persue this with EM.
   ACTION: 2002-01-11#2: JanG - post summary of changes to list.

Item 9: Status of Primer
   There is still material from GK to incorporate.
   Aaron: should all be visible from here eventually -

Item 10: Model theory WD
   Reminder for  those with actions on them to review this WD prior to
   Pat's return (Jos, Jeremy, Pat S).

Item 11: Review test cases on para 196
   Proposal: DaveB to exercise editorial discretion to add one more test
	case with a fragment id, then to accept those test cases and
	close the issue.

Item 12: Issue: #rdfms-qname-uri-mapping
   Proposed: to close the issue, not making any change.
   APPROVED. (no objections / no abstentions)

Item 13: Issue: #rdfms-reification-required
   Resolved: a parser is not required to create bags of reified
	statements for all rdf:Description elements, only those which are
	explicitly reified using an rdf:ID on a propertyElt or by an
	RDF:bagID on the rdf:Description.
   RESOLVED. (no objections / Jos, Frank M abstain)

   Desire was also expressed that the WG not keep putting off the larger
   consideration of the reification issues.
   ACTION: 2002-01-11#3: bwm - check that reification is listed as an
	issue ("fix/drop reification")

Item 14: Issue:  #rdfms-replace-value
   All proposers preferred Brian's syntesis proposal, namely:
   - don't rename rdf:value at this time
   - recast this issue as a need to clarify the semantics of rdf:value
   (and the following two actions)
   APPROVED. (no objections / no abstentions)

   ACTION: 2002-01-11#4: bwm - update the issue list with text based on
	Aaron's proposal.
   ACTION: 2002-01-11#5: daveb - remove this issue from the list of
	issues affecting syntax.

Item 15: Datatypes.
   Thanks to Mike Dean for relaying Joint Committee input.
   The JC considered it important that a DT solution permits both
	approaches (implicit - ie, associated with a property /

   ACTION: 2002-01-11#6: miked - to drop an example of both approaches
	(implicit / explicit) to the mailing list.

   The WG considered the currently existing proposals with a view to
	producing documents describing them.
   S: Sergei's document already covers this; DanC considers S(b) to
	be an accurate rendering of PL.

   ACTION: 2002-01-11#7: pats - to supply the words of a PD (P/P++)
	document to Jeremy to add "the appropriate maths" to.
   ACTION: 2002-01-11#8: jeremy - to supply the maths.

   ACTION: 2002-01-11#9: graham - to extract from Sergei's document
	and to publish to the mailing list a "desiderata" document;
	to solicit missing evaluation criteria from list members;
	to ensure that the JC requirement given above is included.

   DECISION: there is a deadline of TWO WEEKS for the actions
	associated with this item. We're looking for separate documents
	(due to time considerations) describing the various approaches.

Regular agenda items were curtailed at this point due to a lack of time.

Final call from the chair: please register for the F2F!
   ACTION: 2002-01-11#10: bwm - ensure these details are on next week's
	agenda (!)

The meeting closes.

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44(0)117 9287088 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112 RFC822 jan.grant@bris.ac.uk
"NOP" is a trivial implementation of an executable Z subset.

Received on Monday, 14 January 2002 06:59:03 UTC