Re: Properties not predicates (was Re: PRIMER: draft data model section)

>I didn't mean to suggest that the mapping to logic helped with the 
>type/token business.  I meant to suggest that the mapping to logic 
>illustrates that something is needed beyond nodes, arcs, and labels. 
>However, it occurs to me that this may not be right, depending on 
>how an arc in the graph is understood, i.e., whether the arc 
>includes the two nodes at its ends or not.

Yes, and I may have been sloppy about this. I intended to use 'edge' 
for the lone arc and 'triple' for the barbel. I will check the 
wording in the MT document.

(We had better get this very right indeed before we try to do reification :-)

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Received on Thursday, 25 October 2001 18:55:31 UTC