Re: Issue rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr (was Re: SYNTAX: RDF/XML Syntax WD work )

>>>Brian McBride said:


> Thanks for calling this out Dave.  I'd like to see a general policy that 
> proposals that change what M&S says, or the common interpretation of what it 
> says, are specifically highlighted.
> It would be easier to just say, we are not changing the current spec, but we 
> already have precedent, aboutEachPrefix, that we will change something if we 
> feel there are very strong reasons to do so.
> I haven't seen any such case made for this change.

I've no particular strong reason for making this change, rather than
just neatness or consistency and as issue owner, I want to get it
closed.  In this case it seems like even if it was not used much, we
can keep it around in the syntax without too much trouble - solving
it with better wording and specification.

Anyone who has a very good reason for a requirement to change this,
please can you give evidence, as Brian asks.


Received on Thursday, 18 October 2001 14:24:38 UTC