Re: model theory and literals

At 04:46 PM 10/10/01 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>   [a Shoe] decimalSize [ a type:Integer ; rdf:value "10" ] ;
>>            sizeLabel   [ a type:String ;  rdf:value "10" ] .
>>The intent here is that the first occurrence is mapped to an integer, and 
>>the second to a string.
>>BUT, doesn't this depend in some way on the interpretation of 
>>type:Integer and type:String?
>Maybe. Actually I'm not sure how to parse that example. Is that two 
>triples or four triples?

Ah, sorry, I was using N3.  [...] encloses properties applied to a 
bNode.  "a" in property position is shorthand for rdf:type.

Let me expand the above to simple triples:

_:a rdf:type Shoe .
_:a decimalSize _:b .
_:a sizeLabel _:c .
_:b rdf:type type:Integer .
_:b rdf:value "10" .
_:c rdf:type type:String .
_:c rdf:value "10" .


Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2001 19:12:25 UTC