RE: Answer to the question: What is a "value" to RDF

> > Well hold on. It isn't clear that there are any RDF classes 
> denoting 
> > datatypes, at present. In the S proposal, for example, 
> datatype names 
> > are RDF property names, not class names. So I do not know from what 
> > population you are getting 'most' here.
> Right. I stand corrected. I should have stated "Most RDF resources 
> denoting..."

Actually, I take that back. 

rdfs:range expects a class as its value, and I think it is
a fairly reasonable assumption that data types are classes,
per the semantics of subClassOf, etc. so even though it might
not be strictly stated somewhere that data types are RDF classes,
I think it is fair to assume they are, and perhaps it should
be stated as such.



Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 12:43:10 UTC