RE: incomplete datatyping (was: Re: datatypes and MT)

> Suppose that in addition to:
>    monthOfBirth rdfs:range xxd:EnglishCalendarMonth .
> we can also presume:
>    monthOfBirth rdfs:range xxd:decimalInteger .
> (this being legit RDF) ... might the allow us to write:
>    _y monthOfBirth "July" .
> OR
>    _y monthOfBirth "7" .
> ?
> There are two points I see here:  (a) multiple datatype classes might
> permit ambiguity in the value denoted by a given literal string,
> and (b) a
> literal value might not have a defined mapping under some
> presumed datatype
> class.

I believe these issues are addressed by using an XML Schema union and then
following the example at

For example, given the definition below, the first instance of the <size>
element validates correctly as an integer (?3.3.13), the second and third as
string (?3.2.1).

  <xsd:element name='size'>
          <xsd:restriction base='integer'/>
          <xsd:restriction base='string'/>

  <size xsi:type='xsd:string'>1</size>



Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 06:26:16 UTC