Re: Issue

On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 09:35:44AM +0100, Jan Grant wrote:
> On Fri, 18 May 2001, Art Barstow wrote:
> > However, I'm wondering if you were trying to differentiate the
> > following as being illegal syntax by [6.12]:
> >
> >  a.  <random:someProperty rdf:parseType="Literal"/>
> >
> > and the following as being legal:
> >
> >  b.  <random:someProperty rdf:parseType="Literal"></random:someProperty>
> Nope. I've always considered them to be equivalent.
> > My take on [6.12] is that a. is not legal and b. is legal.  If
> > this is true, I don't understand why there is this restriction
> > and would propose that both be legal.
> This restriction shouldn't exist; I'm not aware of any parsers that
> enforce it - both should be legal an equivalent.

Hi Jan,

Good I think we agree on this.

However, since whether a. implies b. has been an issue:

perhaps the text should specifically state that they are
considered equivalent.


Received on Monday, 21 May 2001 09:36:59 UTC