Re: Abstract syntax: an attempt

At 09:16 AM 6/18/01 +0100, Brian McBride wrote:
> > - in M&S, we need a specific vocabulary to express/use reification.
> > Reification could be defined without relying on vocabularies.
>I'm wondering what you mean here by 'relying' on vocabularies.  Reification
>is currently defined using rdf:type, rdf:subject etc.  Those are

I think that it would be more precise to say that reification is _encoded_ 
using rdf:subject, etc..  The _definition_ of reification still seems to be 
an undecided issue.

It also seems that some vocabulary-based semantics depend upon the use of 
more than one vocabulary item in concert:  an idea that I think is 
typically captured by "syntax".  (At this point, I refer you to my other 
message in this batch.)


Graham Klyne                    Baltimore Technologies
Strategic Research              Content Security Group
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Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2001 07:16:15 UTC