RE: #rdfms-difference-between-ID-and-about

:Dan Brickley:
:Can't we just say that it picks up the base URI from (broadly
:surrounding context? It remains true that each XML document has a base
:URI. How we determine that base is the only issue here.

I agree with Dan.

:Both XML Protocol and CC/PP use seems to fall under 5.1.2, 'base URI of
:the encapsulating entity'. XML:base, by contrast, looks to fall under
:'base URI embedded in document's content'.

Do we have good reasons to limit the determination of
the base URI to a subset of the following? That is, are
any of the 4 methods suplied by rfc2396 considered harmful
for RDF?

:      .----------------------------------------------------------.
:      |  .----------------------------------------------------.  |
:      |  |  .----------------------------------------------.  |  |
:      |  |  |  .----------------------------------------.  |  |  |
:      |  |  |  |  .----------------------------------.  |  |  |  |
:      |  |  |  |  |       <relative_reference>       |  |  |  |  |
:      |  |  |  |  `----------------------------------'  |  |  |  |
:      |  |  |  | (5.1.1) Base URI embedded in the       |  |  |  |
:      |  |  |  |         document's content             |  |  |  |
:      |  |  |  `----------------------------------------'  |  |  |
:      |  |  | (5.1.2) Base URI of the encapsulating entity |  |  |
:      |  |  |         (message, document, or none).        |  |  |
:      |  |  `----------------------------------------------'  |  |
:      |  | (5.1.3) URI used to retrieve the entity            |  |
:      |  `----------------------------------------------------'  |
:      | (5.1.4) Default Base URI is application-dependent        |
:      `----------------------------------------------------------'


Bill de hÓra  :  InterX  :

Received on Friday, 15 June 2001 08:35:45 UTC