Model Theory, sets of statements and anon resources

The model theory defines an interpretation for a single statement.  We also
need to formally deal with sets of statements i.e.

{s1, s2, ..., sn} is true under an interpetation I if and only if each si
is true under I.

Depending on our decision about anonymous resources we may also need
an interpretation statments containing them.  Only the subject case
is shown here - the others are similar:

_:a <p> <o> . is true under an interpretation I if and only if

  p and o are members of U and
  there exists ?a such that ?a is a member of R and
                            (?a, IN(o)) is a member of IEXT(I(p))

And finally (I don't know how to say this formally) the scope of
the names of the form _:name is a set of statements.


Received on Monday, 23 July 2001 03:06:22 UTC