Ann: First teleconference

RDFCore WG members,

The first phone conference of the RDF Core group will take place on
Friday 20th April 2001 at:

  10:00:00 Fri Apr 20 2001 in America/New_York
  15:00:00 Fri Apr 20 2001 in Europe/London
  22:00:00 Fri Apr 20 2001 in Asia/Hong Kong
  23:00:00 Fri Apr 20 2001 in Asia/Tokyo
  00:00:00 Sat Apr 21 2001 in Australia/Sydney

Please note this is a change from the date on the web site and is
the Friday immediately before WWW10 in Hong Kong.  Please inform the
chairs if you don't plan to attend.

The phone number for the conference call is:

  +1 617 258 7910

There will be an accompanying IRC channel #rdfcore on


The IRC channel will be used to take notes of the meeting and may be
used to 'raise a hand' to indicate a desire to speak.  

We would like to keep things reasonably informal.  There are just a few
procedural matters to propose:

W3C process calls for an agenda to be available 24 hours before the
conference.  If you'd like to suggest items for the agenda, please send
them to the chairs by 0900 UK time on the Thursday before the meeting.

I suggest we aim to have any documents due for discussion at a
conference distributed by the same time.

We will call for a volunteer scribe for each meeting.  The idea is to
share this task around.  In the absence of volunteers, the chairs will
appoint someone.  The scribe should use the IRC channel to record their
notes.  Actions should be circulated within 24 hours and minutes should
be curculated with 48 hours of the end of the meeting.  The IRC log and
the minutes will be publicly visible.

Thats about it for phone conferences.  See you on Friday 27th.


Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 11:43:05 UTC