25 Years Ago the World Changed Forever with Public Web, 6 August 1991

Dear News Media, Analysts and Friends of W3C,

Although the Web was conceived in1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and W3C celebrated that 25-year milestone two years ago, [1] this Saturday, 6 August marks 25 years that Berners-Lee posted information about the "WorldWideWeb project" on the newsgroup (like a message board) alt.hypertext and invited wide collaboration – effectively marking, in one email, the Web’s introduction to the wider world.

Please see more information about the history of the Web at the blog posted today:

For additional information, please contact w3t-pr@w3.org.  

Kind regards,

Karen Myers
W3C Communications
Mobile: 1.978.502.6218

[1] http://www.webat25.org

Received on Thursday, 4 August 2016 22:35:40 UTC