Exc-C14N test code?

Does anyone know of a web service or downloadable freeware for doing exc-C14N canonicalization?  This is not for efficiency, but for side-by-side verification of another implementation.

 - Carl

|Carl Ellison      Intel R & D       E: cme@jf.intel.com |
|2111 NE 25th Ave                    T: +1-503-264-2900  |
|Hillsboro OR 97124                  F: +1-503-264-3375  |
|PGP Key ID: 0xFE5AF240                                  |
|  1FDB 2770 08D7 8540 E157  AAB4 CC6A 0466 FE5A F240    |

Received on Friday, 11 July 2003 11:25:46 UTC