Re: Gregor's EXC-C14N interop samples (WAS:RE: Moving exc-c14n forward: your response is needed!)

Gregor, you are absolutely right. I'm not sure the spec
actually intended it, but it sure says it. So, I agree
with all your samples and attached is a corresponding
signature over them.


>> 3. I've tried Gregor's examples and, with one exception 
>> (example 4, regular c14n, GrandChild, xml:fool should not be 
>> there?), I think everything works.
>I guess that you mean example 1 since this is the only one
>bearing an xml:fool attribute.
>According to the second paragraph of [1], section 2.4 I think
>the appearance of xml:fool as attribute of element GrandChild
>is correct:  
>  The processing of an element node E MUST be modified
>  slightly when an XPath node-set is given as input and the
>  element's parent is omitted from the node-set. The method
>  for processing the attribute axis of an element E in the
>  node-set is enhanced. All element nodes along E's ancestor
>  axis are examined for nearest occurrences of attributes in
>  the xml namespace, such as xml:lang and xml:space (whether
>  or not they are in the node-set).
>For "GrandChild", this results in the list 
>  - xml:foo (barbarossa)
>  - xml:lang (ge)
>  - xml:fool (barbar)
>  - xml:space (default)
>  From this list of
>  attributes, remove any that are in E's attribute axis
>  (whether or not they are in the node-set).
>After this step, the following list remains:
>  - xml:foo (barbarossa)
>  - xml:lang (ge)
>  - xml:fool (barbar)
>  Then,
>  lexicographically merge this attribute list with the nodes
>  of E's attribute axis that are in the node-set. 
>This step results in
>  - xml:foo (barbarossa)
>  - xml:lang (ge)
>  - xml:fool (barbar)
>  - xml:space (preserve)
>  The result
>  of visiting the attribute axis is computed by processing the
>  attribute nodes in this merged attribute list.
>Am I missing something here?

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