Re: XMLP Comments to exc-c14n

Thank you for your comments David.

On Friday 14 December 2001 14:31, David Fallside wrote:
> [1]
> Exc-C14N specific:
> For example, the C14N specs do not deal with insignificant
> transformations permitted by various XML Schema built-in datatypes
> such as use of {true,false,0,1} for boolean datatype, or
> case-insensitivity to "e" in scientific notation.

This is correct. exc-c14n is a tweak to Canonical XML, which is based on 
Xpath, and preceded both InfoSet and Schema. I expect Infoset and Schema 
aware canonicalizations will be proposed and may even be the subject of 
chartered work of future activity -- not necessarily xmldsig. However, I do 
have a draft for addressing validating augmentations as a xmldsig transform 
[e] and some thoughts on schema aware canonicalization. But presently, it's 
"unchartered" territory.


> Minor comment on definition of terms:
> If "an orphan node is a node whose parent element node is not in the
> document subset"
> then how can there be an "output parent of an orphan node" if this is
> defined to be
> "the output parent of an orphan node .. is the nearest
>    ancestor element of the orphan node that is in the document subset"?

 o a is an ancestor (grandparent) of c.
 o b is an ancestor (parent) of c.

 o b is absent.
 o a is an "output parent" of c since its the most immediate ancestor in 
the output of <c/>.

This text is John's and I had to draw an example tree and label these 
things to first grok the terminology. Subsequently, I acknowledge other 
readers might have to make a similar effort, but I've been unable to come 
up with an alternative that is better expressed. Suggestions?


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Friday, 14 December 2001 17:14:53 UTC