xml security lecture / paper / chapter

Dear all, 

I've prepared a lecture on XML security, describing XML Encryption and
DSIG, as part of my course (and future book) on `secure communication
and commerce using cryptography`. You are most welcome to look at it (as
well as the other lectures and draft chapters of the book) available at
the course site, http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~ah. 

Comments and suggestions will be received gladly, esp. on the XML
security lecture, for which I may have enough time to improve before
giving it. 

BTW, a very initial version on the chapter on XML security is also in
the site; it is actually the basis for an article to be published soon
in DDJ. I hope you'll like it (I planned to send it around for comments
but never got around to it, sorry). Comments of course will help me
improve the book version and are highly appreciated. 

Best regards, 
Amir Herzberg

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2001 11:53:07 UTC