RE: [ANN] W3C SOAP Digital Signature

 Hello. 8-)

 I cc'd the xmldsig mailing list so that the XML-Sig folks can also
respond to my first concern (the following paragraph, more in the
first cited message below).

 I understand now why you chose to do the SOAP digsig the way you did
it. Hopefully the final Recommendation of XML-Sig allows adding
arbitrary namespace-qualified attributes at least to the root elements
of the xml digital signatures. This would solve one of my concerns
with SOAP digsig.

 I disagree that you might want to add any unrelated information under
SOAP-SEC:Signature, I think if such information is necessary the
Signature element should be wrapped by an element like foo:routing or
foo:processOrder where routing or processing order can be specified. I
don't like even possible overloading SOAP-SEC:Signature with such
unrelated information.

 I also disagree with your trying to separate SOAP-ENV:id and
SOAP-SEC:id value spaces in application level, since every XML
compliant parser would complain on conflicts anyway.

 Either the type ID shouldn't be used or there is no need for

 Best regards
                            Jacek Kopecky

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Satoshi Hada wrote:

 > Hello,
 > > Just a little curious remark: why didn't you just add the
 > > SOAP-ENV:actor and SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attributes to the
 > > ds:Signature element?
 > I don't think the XML-Signature schema allows to add new attributes to the
 > ds:Signature element.
 > > The SOAP-SEC namespace also introduces the SOAP-SEC:id attribute to
 > > help applications recognize attributes of type ID, that's good, but I
 > > think that such an attribute should be added to SOAP (and I hope it
 > > will be in XP) so that we don't end up having every extension to
 > > SOAP/XP carry their own ID attribute.
 > I agree with you.
 > Unfortunately, the current SOAP spec does not provide such an attribute.
 > That's why we defined the SOAP-SEC:id attribute in our Note.
 > That's my understanding.
 > Thanks,
 > Satoshi Hada
 > IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
 > From: Jacek Kopecky <> on 2001/03/08 18:09
 > Please respond to Jacek Kopecky <>
 > To:,, Satoshi
 >       Hada/Japan/IBM@IBMJP,, Hiroshi
 >       Maruyama/Japan/IBM@IBMJP
 > cc:
 > Subject:  RE: [ANN] W3C SOAP Digital Signature
 >  Hello. 8-)
 >  I'm responding to the announcement of "SOAP Security
 > Extensions: Digital Signature" W3C note.
 >  I posted this note earlier to SOAP@DISCUSS.DEVELOP.COM and to
 >, but nobody responded, so I was advised to
 > target you, the authors themselves.
 >  It's great to see things are getting done, err, I mean specified. 8-)
 >  Just a little curious remark: why didn't you just add the
 > SOAP-ENV:actor and SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attributes to the
 > ds:Signature element?
 >  The SOAP-SEC namespace also introduces the SOAP-SEC:id attribute to
 > help applications recognize attributes of type ID, that's good, but I
 > think that such an attribute should be added to SOAP (and I hope it
 > will be in XP) so that we don't end up having every extension to
 > SOAP/XP carry their own ID attribute.
 >  There may be reasons behind this spec, but I can't easily see them
 > and I have to think that this spec is superfluous. As Henrik Frystyk
 > Nielsen said recently, he was very pleased with SOAP With Attachments
 > spec that didn't add any new stuff, only specified the composition of
 > existing specs.
 >  Best regards
 >                             Jacek Kopecky
 >                                Idoox

On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Hiroshi Maruyama wrote:

 > Jacek,
 > Thanks for your comments.  I apologize that I overlooked your post on
 > axis-dev.  The reason why we did not use ds:Signature as a header entry is
 > two fold.  One is that we did not want to extend the Signature schema.
 > Although we know that XML Schema allows us to extend the Signature schema
 > and to define additional attributes to the Signature element, we were not
 > very sure if this mechanism will be used in a general way, or if it will be
 > included in the final XML Schema specification in the current form.  The
 > other reason was that we anticipated to add other information under
 > SOAP-SEC:Signature but not under ds:Signature.  For example, if multiple
 > header entries are specified, and a specific processing order is required,
 > it may be necessary to include such information under SOAP-SEC:Signature.
 > The current structure allows such future extensions.
 > The reason why we defined SOAP-SEC:id is similar.  We did not want to
 > disrupt the current SOAP implementations which treat SOAP-ENV:id as type
 > ID.  If you use SOAP-ENV:id in your encoding, there may be a danger of
 > potential collision of the ID values.  There is no way to solve this
 > problem provided that we need to conform to XML 1.0 Recommendation anyway,
 > but at least you can treat SOAP-ENV:id and SOAP-SEC:id separately in your
 > operational environment.  As for compositionality, I think you can see that
 > SOAP Signature and SOAP Attachment work together nicely.
 > Hiroshi
 > --
 > Hiroshi Maruyama
 > Manager, Internet Technology, Tokyo Research Laboratory
 > +81-46-215-4576

Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2001 11:29:08 UTC