Three Versioning Examples

1.	Versioning Examples

1.1	Create a Tree Handle and a new version

If one wants to create a resource that will be under server maintained
versioning, one needs to create a tree handle. A client can always just
blindly try their luck by executing:
PUT http://foo HTTP/1.1
Version-ID: Request 1.0

If successful this creates an empty tree handle. However the server may
not allow versioned resource at http://foo. So the client will probably
have to first retrieve the DAV.VersionSpace link to find out where the
server allows tree handles to be created. The client, happily, discovers
that http://foo is eligible and performs the PUT.

The response is:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://foo/version0
Version-ID: Set 0
Etag: "If I were a rich man"

Note that a Content-Nature is not returned in the result. This is
because http://foo/version0 is a normal resource, it is not versioned.
It is, however, part of a versioned resource, http://foo. 

The client is about to go out into the field to collect some data.  So
the client wants to take out a lock on http://foo, where the data will
be recorded. However the client doesn't know what sort of locking the
server uses, exclusive write or advisory. So the client executes:
METAGET http://foo HTTP/1.1
Attribute-Specify: name = DAV:LOCKTYPE

The result tells the client that the server only supports exclusive
write locks. So the client executes:
LOCK http://foo HTTP/1.1
Lock-Info: LockType = Write LockScope = Exclusive
TimeOut: NONE
Comment: "About to update data"
LockOwner:  mailto://

The client still has a copy of the file that was originally checked in
so the client just makes changes locally and then executes:

PUT http://foo HTTP/1.1
Merge: http://foo/version0 "If I were a rich man"
Version-ID: Request 1.1

Note that the content-nature header is not included. It is not needed
because the client already knows that http://foo is a tree handle. 
No one has made any changes to the resource so the e-tag checks out and
the new version is created. The response is:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://foo/version1
Version-ID: Set 1
Etag: "I sing the body electric"

1.2	Versioning Projects

A user is going to create a program with two files. The first thing the
user wants to do is to create a project to hold the program files. So
the user executes:
PUT http://foo HTTP/1.1

http://foo supports versioning so the resource is successfully created.
The response is:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Version-ID: Set "Directory 0"
Location: http://foo/1
Etag: "It is a far better thing I do..."

The client then locks the container so no one else can add or remove
anything from it while the client is working.

LOCK http://foo/1 HTTP/1.1
Lock-Info: LockType = Write LockScope = Exclusive
TimeOut: NONE
Comment: "Adding program files"
LockOwner:  mailto://

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Lock-Token: DAV:foo:1234

The client then wants to put in two files.

PUT http://foo/1/main.c HTTP/1.1
Version-ID: Request "1.0"
Content-Type: text/plain
< Request Body >

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Version-ID: Set "1"
Location: http://foo/1/main.c/1
Etag: "Yo ho ho"

PUT http://foo/1/headers.h HTTP/1.1
Version-ID: Request "1.0"
Content-Type: text/plain
< Request Body >

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Version-ID: Set "1"
Location: http://foo/1/headers.h/1
Etag: "Yo ho ho"

Finished the client removes the lock:
UNLOCK http://foo/1 HTTP/1.1
Lock-Token: DAV:foo:1234

The user then realizes that the entire first program was a mistake and
wants to start over. However the old files still need to be kept around
in case anyone picked them up. So the user decides to create a new
version of the project.

PUT http://foo HTTP/1.1
Merge: http://foo "It is a far better thing I do..."
Comment: "I completely flubbed the first version, I am starting over."

The Content-Nature is not necessary. Note that the client did not take
out a lock. As the system only supports exclusive write locks the worst
that can happen is that the request is rejected.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Version-ID: Set "Directory 1"
Location: http://foo/2
Etag: "Yo Ma!"

The user then realizes that a copy of main.c from the first version of
the directory is needed.

GET http://foo/1/main.c/1 HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Disposition: filename = main.c
Etag: "Lama? Stam."
<Response Body>

If the client had asked for:

GET http://foo/1/main.c HTTP/1.1

Then a history would have been returned rather than the actual item.

1.3	Distributed Versioning

There are two different scenarios for distributed versioning. One is
server mandated. For example, let us say that the previous user wants to
put a main.c into http://foo/2.

PUT http://foo/2/main.c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain
< Request Body >

There is no merge header because this is a new resource.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://bar/x51 
Etag: "Lo Chosuv"

Note that the server has unilaterally decided that the resource will be
versioned and has chosen to record the result in an entirely different
name space. If the client wishes to find its tree handle it will have to
look up the DAV.Versioning.History. Note, that the client can tell it
has reached the tree handle because the content-nature will be
the destination of DAV.Versioning.History doesn't have that
content-nature then this version tree doesn't have a tree handle. This
is typical of repositories.

The other possibility is that the client wishes a versioned resource to
remain in a certain location but wants it to be a member of a project in
another location. In this case the client will have to use a
DAV.*PropagateLink. For example the client has created a new header.h at
http://bar/header.h and wants to have it included in http://foo/2. 

LINK http://foo/2 HTTP/1.1
Link: <http://foo/2> ; destination = http://bar/header.h; type =

This same behavior could be used on a tree handle. For example, if there
is a new version of main.c recorded at http://bar/main.c. In order to
find the tree root for main.c the client needs to follow the
DAV.Versioning.History link from http://bar/x51 to its root, which I
will say is http://foo/2/main.c.

LINK http://foo/2/main.c HTTP/1.1
Link: <http://bar/x51>; destination = http://bar/main.c; type =
DAV.Versioning.NextVersion; MergeURI = http://bar/x51; MergeEtag = Lo
Chosuv"; version-id = "Something I made up"
The server now has all the information it needs to create a
DAV.Versioning.NextVersion link and to properly express this link in the

In essence atwo pieces of information are needed to link in a new
version, merge and version-id.

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 1997 03:22:57 UTC