Distributed Authoring Proposals

1	Content-Nature Header

The Content-Nature header describes the "nature" of the associated
resource. This is different from the content-type header in that this
header describes purpose rather than format. A URI is used as an
identifier in order to allow discovery. Multiple ContentIdentifiers may
only be used if the relationship between these identifiers is well

ContentNature = "Content-Nature" ":" 1#ContentIdentifier
ContentIdentifier = URI

With this header it is now possible to mark resources as Data or
Structures or what have you. This is very useful for searches where a
client can now say "Search amongst all resources with a Content-Nature
of Structure".

2	DAV.ResourceLink Link

The DAV.Resource link is used as a mechanism for specifying the
inclusion of a resource into the structure of another resource that is
not its base. STRUCTURE calls on resources with DAV.ResourceLinks should
return those links in the result.

This link type is introduced in order to get rid of the ADDRESOURCE and

3	COPY Method

I recommend removing the Request-Version field as HTTP operates on URIs.
Request-Version short-circuits that procedure by performing a de facto
redirect to another resource.

I also propose removing the copylink header. Meta data can be recorded
in a number of places, including inside the resource itself. This makes
it impossible to specify a meaningful copylink field. For example, if
one copies an OLE file which contains attributes specifying things like
author to a server that does not understand the OLE structure, the
author attribute will suddenly "disappear". I believe the best course is
to specify a "best effort" on the part of the server to copy everything
possible but no guarantees about what will actually make it over. 

In this vein, I recommend removing the COPYHEAD method. I realize this
situation will be unacceptable to some quarters but I feel that their
needs are in the very small minority and are specialized enough to merit
their own separate draft, which will probably have to start dealing with
server to server issues.

3.1	Request-URI

The Request-URI specifies the destination of the COPY.

3.2	Source Header (Required)

SourceHeader = "Source" ":" URI CRLF

3.3	Additional Headers (Optional)

PropagateLevel and Atomic

3.4	Item Behavior

The URI in Source is copied to the Request-URI. Please refer to Jim
Whitehead's more generic definition for a further explanation. The COPY
specified here is meant to be semantically equivalent to the one given
in the current DAV spec.

3.5	Structure Behavior

The URIs in Source, down to PropagateLevel, are copied based upon
Request-URI as their URI base, rather than Source.

COPY http://foo HTTP/1.1
Source: http://blah
PropagateLevel: Infinity

Let us say that http://foo is a structure that contains two entries,
http://foo/bar and http://foo/baz, as well as the ResourceLink
http://not/same/base. The request will only succeed if http://foo is
moved to http://blah, http://foo/bar to http://blah/bar, http://foo/baz
to http://blah/baz and the ResourceLink http://not/same/base is
established on http://blah. If any resource could not be copied then the
entire request must fail due to the atomic header.

Note that if the server the resource is to be copied to does not support
ResourceLink and if the Atomic: REQUIRED header is included, the request
will never succeed.

If the Atomic header is not included then a partial success is allowed,
meaning some but not all the resources were copied. I recommend defining
a new response code 207 Partial Success to cover situations such as
this. A web collection should be included in order to provide status

[TBD - Define Web Collection Entry]

4	MOVE Method

4.1	Request-URI

The destination.

4.2	Additional Headers

SourceHeader - Required
PropagateLevel - Optional
Atomic - Optional

4.3	Item Behavior

The resource referred to in source is moved to the resource referred to
by Request-URI. A successful response must contain the content-location
header, set equal to the URI in source, so that caches will properly
flush any cached entries for the source.

4.4	Collection Behavior

The behavior is the same as COPY except that there is the addition of
the need to deal with the deletion of the sources.

Unfortunately the content-location header only allows a single value so
it is not possible for caches unfamiliar with the MOVE method to
properly clear their caches.

5	DELETE Method

5.1	Request-URI

The resource to be deleted.

5.2	Additional Headers

PropagateLevel - Optional
Atomic - Optional

5.3	Item Behavior

The item referred to in the Request-URI is deleted.

5.4	Collection Behavior

The collection along with any included structures, up to PropagateLevel
down are deleted. The results are otherwise the same as COPY in nature.


Deleted resources are often available for recovery right up to the
moment their space is re-used. This scenario is very common with
authoring systems where a relatively large but sparsely used storage
area is assigned to a single owner. As such if the owner accidentals
deletes a resource, they have a good chance of being able to recover the
resource. The UNDELETE method is meant to provide the means to determine
if recovery is possible.

6.1	Request-URI

A resource that has had a delete executed against it

6.2	 Additional Headers

PropagateLevel - Optional
Atomic - Optional

6.3	Item Behavior

If the resource has been deleted then UNDELETE will attempt to restore
it. If the Request-URI points to a resource which is not deleted then
the request should fail with a 409 Conflict. If the resource has been
deleted but can not be restored then a 500 Internal Server Error should
be returned. If the resource has been deleted but can be fully restored
then a 200 Success should be returned. If the resource has been deleted
but can only be partially restored then the proposed 207 Partial Success
should be returned.

6.4	Collection Behavior

The behavior is consistent with COPY's handling of success and failure
codes, however the action in this case is not a copy but an undelete.

7	Destroy Header

When deleting a resource the client often wishes to specify exactly what
sort of delete is being enacted. The destroy header, used with PEP,
allows the client to specify the end result they desire. The destroy
header is specified as follows:

DestroyHeader = "Destroy" ":" #Choices
Choices = "VersionDestroy" | "NoUndelete" | "Undelete" | Token

The Undelete token requests that, if possible, the resource be subject
to UNDELETE. The server is not required to honor this request.

The NoUndelete token requests that the resource not be recoverable
through the UNDELETE method.

The VersionDestroy token includes the functionality of the NoUndelete
token and extends it to include having the server remove all versioning
references to the resource that it has control over. 

8	Atomic Header

The atomic header only guarantees that if the server can not completely
perform an action, then it will keep its state constant. However the
guarantee to not alter state is only kept if no other methods are
requested while the server is processing the client's request.

For example, let us say there is a structure http://foo that contains
two entries, http://foo/bar and http://foo/baz. 

Time 0: Client A Executes:
DELETE http://foo HTTP/1.1
PropagateLevel: 1

Time 1: Server Executes on self:
DELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1

Time 2: Client B Executes:
UNDELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1

Time 3: Client B Executes:
DELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Destroy: NoUndelete

Time 4: Server Executes on self:
DELETE http://foo/baz HTTP/1.1

Time 5: Server Executes on self:
UNDELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1

Time 6: Response Sent by Server to Client A:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Thus the server can not restore the system to its original state. This
behavior, however, is NOT a violation of the atomic header. The Internet
is asynchronous and it is completely possible for the previous time line
to be repeated as:

Time 0: Client A Executes:
DELETE http://foo HTTP/1.1
PropagateLevel: 1

Time 1: Server Executes on self:
DELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1

Time 2: Server Executes on self:
DELETE http://foo/baz HTTP/1.1

Time 3: Server Executes on self:
UNDELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1

Time 4: Client B Executes:
UNDELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1

Time 5: Client B Executes:
DELETE http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Destroy: NoUndelete

Time 6: Response Sent by Server to Client A:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

In both cases the result is the same, the request returns with
http://foo/bar deleted.

The cost of preventing this situation is extremely high, including
atomic locking on the server. As such I believe the current definition
of Atomic is sufficient.

I also propose changing my original atomic header definition to:

AtomicHeader = "Atomic" ":" AtomicChoices
AtomicChoices = "REQUIRED" | "IFPOSSIBLE" | #Token

Where "Atomic: REQUIRED" means that the action must be atomic as defined
above and  "Atomic: IFPOSSIBLE" means that the method should be atomic
if the server supports atomic.

The atomic header may not be dropped from DAV methods. If the atomic
header is used with other methods, a PEP header will be necessary,
assuming the server supports PEP.

For those who think the name sucks, I agree. Please feel free to
nominate a substitution. (Bracing myself for the flurry of smart-alec

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 1997 23:49:17 UTC