Re: Moving forward on BIND


As much as I hate replying to my own postings?

Elias Sinderson wrote:

> Having reviewed all of the open issues, relevant sections of BIND and 
> related specs, I would like to summarize my position wrt BIND. The 
> existing issues all seem to have been sufficiently addressed and there 
> have been motions made for each to be closed (or reassigned, as in the 
> case of issue 5). [...]

The motions mentioned above are now two weeks old. ...

> Joe's last call process email, "WG Last Call on BIND" [1], states:
>    - The issue opener may close the issue, if the vote count is still 0
>    - If the vote count is >0, only a working group chair or person 
> designated by the chair may close the issue
> and
>    - Issues that have 0 votes at the end of last call will be closed 
> automatically

It would seem that all pretense at process has fallen by the wayside as 
far as the WG chairs are concerned. Nevertheless, I'll endeavor to make 
good in spirit. ...

> Neglecting the fact that the last call ended almost exactly three 
> months ago [...] I would request that the WG chairs close them (or 
> designate some to do so on their behalf) within the week.
> Regarding Issue 2, the issue opener and only voter for the issue are 
> the current WG chairs - might I request that they both promptly review 
> the issue and associated commentary as well as the new text that was 
> added to resolve the issue?

Hearing no dissention for two weeks since motions were made to close the 
open issues, and similar silence fro the WG chairs, I am appointing 
myself the 'Bugzilla Killa' - you will see some emails from Bugzilla 
over the next few minutes as I close the open issues.

Apologies for stepping all over the process, especially to those who 
left it on the floor to be stepped on. ...


Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2005 18:58:55 UTC