Re: [Bug 3] Bindings draft should specify if all properties MUST have same value on all bindings

Julian wrote on 12/07/2004 12:59:59 PM:

> Lisa Dusseault wrote:
> > Even if I disagree with the conclusion -- perhaps *particularly* 
> > I disagree with the conclusion and others may also -- I feel strongly 
> > that the decision should be reflected as a requirement in the 
> > specification.
> However, that requires that there *is* a decision. As far as I can tell, 

> there's currently no consensus for any specific statement.

I agree (that there is no consensus ... I am undecided about this myself
since there are valid arguments to be made in either direction).

So in this case, since the core bind functionality does not depend on
having an answer to this question, we should leave the issue unspecified,
so that client do not false assume that this behavior is standarized.
When we have reached consensus on this point, we can add it to the next
revision of the appropriate specification (and at that time, can reopen
the debate on which is the appropriate specification :-).


Received on Tuesday, 7 December 2004 18:27:22 UTC